The 9-Millionen-Schweiz. How is our country changing?

Sibylle Wälty, ETH Housing Forum ETH CASE, was a guest at the SRF Club on February 7, 2023. She discussed with Barbara Lüthi, SRF, politicians, economists and integration experts about the population growth in Switzerland. The show can be accessed in the SRF Mediathek.

The population in Switzerland is growing rapidly - and far more strongly than in neighboring countries. But does this growth pay off? What concepts are there for adapting traffic, cities and living space to ever more people?
How can we prevent rents from rising, green spaces from being overbuilt and energy from becoming scarce? What does immigration mean for the culture in the country? Is growth even a problem? And in the future, will society perhaps even yearn back to the days of high immigration as the population shrinks and a global battle for skilled workers breaks out?

Barbara Lüthi's guests on SRF's "Club" were:

- Mattea Meyer, National Councilor SP/ZH and Co-President SP;
- Mike Egger, National Councillor SVP/SG;
- Mathias Binswanger, economist and happiness researcher;
- Sibylle Wälty, architect, real estate economist and spatial development scientist, ETH Zurich;
- Thomas Kessler, integration expert; and
- Stefan Brupbacher, director of Swissmem.

Click external page here to watch the show. 

Click external page here to read the article on the show. 

Sibylle Wälty was a morning guest on SRF on the same topic.
Click external page here for the recording.

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