Video recording NSL Colloquium: Urban densification and displacement
The video recording of the NSL Colloquium, which took place on 09.02.23 at ZAZ, is now online.
On 09.02.2023, experts, politicians and activists discussed the social impact of Zurich's ongoing rapid densification. This is often done by replacing low-cost housing with new flats that are no longer affordable for people on lower incomes. On 25 January 2023, an exhibition on the same theme opened at ZAZ BELLERIVE Zentrum Architektur Zürich, organised in cooperation with MAS in Housing and MAS in History and Theory of Architecture (gta).
Discussion guests
- Prof. Dr. Nicola Hilti, Lecturer Institute for Social Work and Spaces | OST
- Walter Angst, Head of Communication Tenants' Association Zurich
- Katrin Gügler, Director of the Office of Urban Development | City of Zurich
- Hans Rupp, Managing Director Terresta Immobilien- und Verwaltungs AG
- Dominique Naef Schwarz, affected tenant
Moderation: Christian Schmid & Jennifer Duyne Barenstein
You can find the video recording of the event here.