Article - "Gemeinsame Sache"

Deborah Fehlmann writes in Hochparterre about the "Weiermatt Lupfig" project, a cooperative housing project by "Lägern Wohnen", initiated by Käthi Rose and Susanne Gysi - a co-founder of the ETH Wohnforum.
Scientific Article - «Intergenerational living - niche or future?»

The magazine «WOHNEN» published by Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz writes an article (issue 3 /2023) about this year's conference with the topic «Generationenwohnen - von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung».
Scientific Article - «Housing needs to be more diverse»

Leonie Pock from the ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE writes an article in Svit's «Immobilia» magazine (June /2023 issue) on the subject of «Partnership models in construction» about intergenerational living.
SRF 10 vor 10 - "Fokus: Zuwanderung - die Herausforderungen"

Sibylle Wälty from the ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE spoke in the focus "Immigration - the challenges" of the news programme "10 vor 10" on 04.07.2023 about "10-minute neighbourhoods" in cities with regard to their population growth and urbanisation processes.
Article - "Replicating achievements in Social Housing Production"

An article by Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein of the ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE was published in "future.lab Magazine #18" (issue June /2023) on the topic of "Housing knowledge/s".
Conference - ”Bright environments: Daylight in Sustainable Building Design Conference“

On Friday, 25 August 2023, the conference "Bright environments: Daylight in Sustainable Building Design Conference" will take place at the Institute for Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg.