Prof Maria Conen and Prof Dr Elli Mosayebi appointed to the Board of Directors of the ETH Wohnforum
The Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich has elected Prof. Maria Conen and Prof. Dr Elli Mosayebi to the Board of Directors of ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. They will succeed the long-standing members of the Board of Directors Prof. Hubert Klumpner and Prof. Dr Christian Schmid on 1 November 2023.

Prof Maria Conen and Prof Dr Elli Mosayebi have been elected to the Board of Directors of ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. Together with Dr Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, Executive Director ETH Wohnforum, they will form the new Board of Directors of the ETH Wohnforum from 1 November 2023. With this appointment, the departmental management is emphasising the importance of "Housing" in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich.
Extensive research and practical experience and excellent network
Prof. Maria Conen has been a full professor of Architecture & Housing at ETH Zurich. Working with existing structures and habitats is at the centre of her work and is one of her main interests. Prof. Maria Conen conducts research into the reuse and further use of buildings and living spaces and their transformation. Together with Raoul Sigl, she has headed the architecture firm Conen Sigl Architekt:innen in Zurich since 2011. The work of the office has been closely linked to research and teaching since its foundation. Working with existing buildings is an important part of their work.
Prof. Dr. Elli Mosayebi has been Associate Professor of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich since 2018 and Full Professor since 2021. Housing and the current transformation of housing are part of her field of work and research. The close connection between practice, research and teaching characterises Prof. Dr Elli Mosayebi. Together with Ron Edelaar and Christian Inderbitzin she has been running the architectural office Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin in Zurich since 2004. Housing and urban development take a special place with numerous competitions won.
Board of Directors and long-standing collaboration
Dr Jennifer Duyne Barenstein, Prof Maria Conen and Prof Elli Mosayebi lead an interdisciplinary team of experts from the social and cultural sciences, architecture and spatial research as the Board of Directors of the ETH Wohnforum.
Prof. Hubert Klumpner and Prof. Christian Schmid have been part of the Board of Directors since 2015 and have made a lasting contribution to the interdisciplinary research centre ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE. After many years of collaboration, they are now dedicating themselves to further outstanding projects in research and teaching. The ETH Wohnforum would like to thank them for their many years of collaboration and ongoing commitment.
Founded in 1990, the ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE (Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment) is a research centre for interdisciplinary housing and urban research at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich. It is part of the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies LUS and belongs to the Network City and Landscape NSL.
For further information, please contact Dr Jennifer Duyne Barenstein telephone +41 44 633 31 94 | e-mail .