Haushälterische Bodennutzung vollziehen - Konzeptuelle Modelle zur Richt- und Nutzungsplanung an den Beispielen des Kantons und der Stadt Zürich



The importance of resources and their sustainable use is one of the key issues of our time. This study takes a comprehensive look at the land on which we live. It shows the importance and outlines strategies for a climate-positive, sustainable approach through economical land use. The research was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF and strives for general validity beyond the precisely examined individual examples.

Over 200 diagrams, graphs and visualizations show analytically historical, current and possible future developments in land use in Switzerland. They are supplemented with conceptual models for land use planning and land use planning using the examples of the canton and city of Zurich. These show what a positive approach to land as a resource should look like in the coming decades. This volume thus makes a pioneering contribution to a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant far beyond the specialist context.


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