Zukunftsträchtiger Gesellschaftsentwurf oder dystopische Monotonie? Soziologische Betrachtungen zum Schweizer Systembau

The 250-page final publication of our research project of our research project is entitled "System & Series. System Building in Switzerland - History and Preservation". The book contains scientific essays on the history and significance of system building in Switzerland, the book contains many detailed portraits of Swiss building systems and system buildings erected here. In addition there are two interdisciplinary discussions on the aspects of building physics and statics as well as a comprehensive catalog raisonné, a glossary and a list of index of persons.

In: ICOMOS Suisse Arbeitsgruppe System & Serie (Hrsg.) (2022): System & Serie. Systembau in der Schweiz – Geschichte und Erhaltung. Zürich: gta Verlag, pp. 14–19.

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