Jennifer Duyne Barenstein
Jennifer Duyne Barenstein
Dr. phil. I
Leitung ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE
Leitung MAS in Housing
Wissenschaftliche Projektleiterin ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE
+41 44 633 31 94
Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein ist Leiterin des ETH-Forschungszentrums für Architektur, Gesellschaft und gebaute Umwelt und des ETH-MAS in Housing. Sie ist Sozialanthropologin und spezialisiert auf die sozioökonomischen, kulturellen und institutionellen Aspekte von Wohnungs- und Urbanisierungsprozessen sowie den Wiederaufbau nach Konflikten und Katastrophen. Nach über zwanzig Jahren Berufs- und Forschungstätigkeit in Asien und Lateinamerika ist sie seit 2016 an der ETH tätig. Ihre aktuellen Forschungsprojekte konzentrieren sich auf erschwinglichen Wohnraum und Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften in Europa und Lateinamerika und erforschen die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen der Replikation und Ausweitung bewährter Wohnpraktiken in unterschiedlichen sozioökonomischen, kulturellen und politischen Kontexten. Sie ist Autorin zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher, politikrelevanter Publikationen.
- Building Resilience in Health Infrastructure: A resilience strategy for health infrastructures in conflict-affected areas
- Negotiating Space for Cooperative Housing in Latin America: The case of post-conflict Colombia and El Salvador, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SPIRIT programme)
- Promoting peace and reconciliation through cooperative housing in post-conflict Colombia, in collaboration with Urbamonde, UNAL and co-funded the Housing Cooperative ABZ
- Tackling the global housing challenges: relevance and replicability of Switzerland’s and Uruguay’s housing cooperatives’ policies and strategies (SNIS)
- Art-based urban upgrading initiatives in Bogota: Policy expectations vs. local impacts,funded by the Centre for Latin American Studies, University of St. Gallen
- Integration durch freiwillige Teilnahme an gemeinnützigen Projekten in Wohnbaugenossenschaften
- Towards an inclusive urban reconstruction policy development process in Nepal, in partnership with the Earth Observatory of the University of Singapore and the University of Zurich, Switzerland, funded by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), England.
- Understanding habitats, housing and social changes in post-disaster traditional and relocated rural settlements in India, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)
- Is relocation a viable strategy to mitigate the risks of natural hazards? Issues and experiences from the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, in partnership with the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)
- Post-disaster reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Housing processes in contested and conflictive environments, funded by SDC
- Floods, livelihoods and housing processes in Santa Fe, Argentina. A training-cum-research project (with fieldwork in Santa Fe) in partnership with the University of Buenos Aires, funded by KFPE
- Towards sustainable disaster preparedness. The role of local, national and global responses in enhancing societal resilience to natural hazards in India and Nicaragua, an international research project funded the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and SDC
- Sustainable Post-Disaster Housing Reconstruction. Environmentally, economically, and socio-culturally friendly strategies to repair, improve and maintain hazard-affected buildings in post-tsunami Tamil Nadu, funded by SDC
- Vernacular Housing and Building Practices in Tsunami-hit Coastal Communities in Tamil Nadu (India), funded by SDC
- A comparative analysis of housing reconstruction approaches in post-earthquake Gujarat (India), funded by SDC and Swiss Solidarity
Publikationen in international peer-reviewed scientific journals
- Duyne Barenstein, J. et al. 2021. Struggles for the decommodification of housing: The politics of housing cooperatives in Uruguay and Switzerland. Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1966392
- Duyne Barenstein, J. & M. Pfister 2019. The professionalization of a social movement: housing cooperatives in Uruguay. Built Environment, Vol 45/3: 382-398.
- Duyne Barenstien, J and D. Sanjines 2018. Il ruolo delle cooperative nell’offerta di alloggi a costi contenuti: una panoramica introduttiva. In: ARCHI Espazium 2018. Av. online
- Daly, P., J. Duyne Barenstein, P.Hollenbach, S. Ninglekhu, and D. Nguyen. 2017. Situating local stakeholders within national disaster governance structures: rebuilding urban neighbourhoods following the 2015 Nepal earthquake. Environment and Urbanisation, 14 September 2017, pp. 1-22.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2015. Continuity and change in housing and settlement patterns in post-earthquake Gujarat. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 6:2: 140-155.
- Lizarralde, G., A.Valladares, A. Olivera, L. Bornstein, K. Gould and J. Duyne Barenstein, 2015. A systems approach to resilience in the built environment. The Cuban Case. Disasters, Vol 39/1: pp S76-95.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Pre-tsunami housing in Tamil Nadu: what architects involved in post-disaster reconstruction ought to know about the links between housing, culture, and livelihoods. The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects, October 2014.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2012. The role of communities in post-disaster reconstruction. A call for owner-driven approaches. Tafter Journal. Esperienze e Strumenti per cultura e territorio No. 51: Settembre 2012. Av. online.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2006. Housing reconstruction in post-earthquake Gujarat: A comparative analysis. London: ODI, Humanitarian Policy Network Paper 54. (Av. online)
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2006. Challenges and risks in post-tsunami housing reconstruction in Tamil Nadu. London: ODI Humanitarian Exchange Magazine 33. (Av. online)
- Duyne Barenstein J. 1998. People's Water Management Practices in Rural Bangladesh. In: Development Policy Review, Vol 16:3, pp. 265-280.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and E. Leemann. 2013. (eds). Post-disaster reconstruction and change: A community perspective. Florida: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
- Jha, A., J. Duyne Barenstein, P. Phelps, D. Pittet and S. Sena. 2010. Safer Homes, Stronger Communities. A Handbook for Reconstruction After Natural Disasters. Washington DC: The World Bank.
- Duyne Barenstein J. 2004. Local Initiatives. Collective Water Management in Rural Bangladesh. New Delhi: DK Publishers.
- Duyne Barenstein J. 1998. Community Partnership for Sustainable Water Management. Vol. VI: Local Initiatives in Water Resource Management. Dhaka: University Press Ltd.
Beiträge in Büchern
- Duyne Barenstien, J and D. Sanjines. 2021. "Can top-down art-based urban renewal strategies contribute to demarginalize informal settlements? Voices and Perspectives from two neighbourhoods in Bogota" In: IDB LAB Ciudades et al. (eds) Urbanismo Colaborativo: De la innovación cívica a la política pública. Washington DC: BID.(forthcoming)
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2021. The remembered villages. The impact of post-disaster reconstruction on communities’ housing culture, identity and wellbeing in Tamil Nadu, India. In: G. Gribaudi et al . (eds). Il terremoto del 23 Novembre 1980. Luoghi e memorie. Napoli, Editoriale scientifica.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2017. Post-disaster reconstruction, informal settlers and the right to adequate housing. In: A. Sapat and A-M. Esnard (eds). Coming Home After Disaster: Multiple Dimensions of Housing Recovery. Florida: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, pp. 245-262.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2016. The right to adequate housing in post-disaster situations. The case of relocated communities in Tamil Nadu, India. In: P. Daly and M. Feener (eds). Rebuilding Asia following natural disasters: Approaches to Reconstruction in the Asia-Pacific Region. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 236-260.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Trees in a tropical climate: a neglected factor in reconstruction. In: T. Cannon and L. Schipper (eds.). World Disaster Report. Focus on Culture and Risk. Geneva: IFRC.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014b. Looking back at agency-driven housing reconstruction in India. Case studies from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. In: T. Schildermann and E. Parker (eds). 2014. Still standing? Looking back at reconstruction and disaster risk reduction. Rugby: Practical Action, pp. 39-58.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2011. The home as the world: Tamil Nadu. In: M.J. Aquilino (ed.). Beyond Shelter. Architecture and Human Dignity. New York: Metropolis Book, pp. 184-195.
- Duyne Barenstein, J 2013. Post-tsunami relocation outcomes in Sri Lanka. Communities perspectives in Ampara and Hambantota. In: Duyne and Leemann (eds). Post-disaster reconstruction and change: A community perspective. Florida: Taylor & Francis, pp. 215-240.
- Duyne Barenstein, J and D. Pittet. 2013. An environmental and social impact assessment of post-disaster housing reconstruction. The case of Tamil Nadu. In: Duyne and Leemann (eds). Post-disaster reconstruction and change: A community perspective. Florida: Taylor & Francis, pp. 119-136.
- Duyne Barenstein, J and B. Marti Rojas Rivas. 2013. Is resettlement a viable strategy to mitigate the risk of natural disasters? Perceptions and voices from the citizens of Santa Fe, Argentina. In: Duyne and Leemann (eds). Post-disaster reconstruction and change: A community perspective. Florida: Taylor & Francis, pp. 299-323.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and S. Trachsel. 2013. The role of informal governance in post-disaster reconstruction and its impact on elderly people’s social security in coastal Tamil Nadu. In: Duyne and Leemann (eds). Post-disaster reconstruction and change: A community perspective. Florida: Taylor & Francis, pp. 157-186.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2012. Towards sustainable post-disaster housing and building technologies. Issues and challenges with special reference to India. In: J-C. Bolay, M. Schmid, G. Tejada and E. Hazboun (eds). Technologies and Innovations for Development: Scientific Cooperation for a Sustainable Future. Paris: Springer Verlag, pp. 87-99.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2010. Housing reconstruction in Tamil Nadu. The disaster after the tsunami. In: D.S. Miller and J.D. Rivera. Community Disaster Recovery and Resiliency: Exploring Global opportunities and challenges. Boca Raton, Florida: Auerbach publications, pp. 343-362.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and S. Iyengar 2010. India: From a culture of housing to a philosophy of reconstruction. In: M. Lyons and T. Schilderman, T, eds Building Back Better: Delivering People-Centred Reconstruction to Scale. Rugby: Practical Action Publication, pp. 163-188.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2009. Who governs reconstruction? Understanding the dissonance between policies, practices and outcomes. In: G. Lizaralde, C. Johnson and C. Davidson (eds): Rebuilding after disasters. From emergency to sustainability. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 149-176.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2008. Endogenous water resource management in north-east Bangladesh. Lessons from the Haor basin. In: Kuntala Lahiri Dutt (ed). Water First: Issues and challenges for nations and communities in South Asia. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 349-373.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2008. Owner-driven and agency-driven post-disaster housing reconstruction: Issues and experiences from Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. In: C.M. Madduma Bandara et al. (eds). Traversing No Man’s Land. Colombo: Vijitha Yapa Books, pp. 184-206.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2003. L’ambiente come spazio sociale collettivo. In: Sommaruga Bodeo, L. (ed) Imprenditori di Cambiamento. Agenda 21 locale: non perdiamo occasioni. Milano: Editori FCE.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1999. Local Initiatives and National Projects. In: A. K. Datta (ed). Planning and Management of Water Resources. Lessons from Two Decades of Early Implementation Projects, Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Ltd., pp. 25-88.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1998. Participation of land and water users in irrigation rehabilitation. Experiences from Bangladesh. In: G. van Vuren (ed): Farmers’ Participation in Water Management. Rotterdam: Balkema Publishers.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1996. Gender Issues in Water Management. In: University Linkage Project (Ed). Training Manual on Integrated Water Development Projects. Dhaka and Delft: BUET-DUT Publ.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2012. Post-disaster reconstruction and its impact on vernacular heritage. The case of housing reconstruction in Tamil Nadu (India) after the tsunami of December 2004. Conference proceedings of the ICOMOS-ICORP Symposium on Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk, Istanbul, 16 November 2012.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1999. Introducing Participatory Management in Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation Systems. In: Middendorp, H.A.J., Thompson, P.M. and R.S. Pomeroy (eds.). Sustainable Inland Fisheries Management in Bangladesh. ICLARM (International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management), Conf. Proc. 58, Manila. pp. 77-82.
Review Artikel
- Duyne Barenstein J. 1995. Socio-economic Dynamics in Rural Bangladesh. Individual and Societal Effects of Opportunities and Obstacles. Book review in: The Journal of Social Studies (January 1995), pp. 123-127.
Eingeladene Beiträge zu internationale Konferenzen
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2019. Fostering social inclusion and solidarity: housing cooperatives’ approaches and strategies in Zurich, Switzerland. Paper presented at the ENHR International Conference ENHR Annual Conference 2019, Athens 28.08.2019.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2019. Housing cooperatives’ role in urban transformation: the case of Zurich, Switzerland. Keynote presentation at ICA-CCR European Research Conference. Berlin, 21-23.08.2019.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2019. The role of housing cooperatives in the provision of affordable housing in Zurich, Switzerland. Keynote presentation at the Annual Congress of «The Academy of Urbanism», Eindhoven 19-22.06.2019.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2018. Field methods for longitudinal studies. Invited keynote presentation at the Longitudinal Studies in Shelter Conference. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, 14 March 2018
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2018. An overview of durable housing support strategies for displaced people. ENHR - European Network for Housing Research. Keynote presentation at the ENHR International Conference, Uppsala, 26-29.06-2018.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and L. Mammone. 2018. The role of secondary residences for housing migrants in Italy. The case of Sabaudia. Paper presented at the ENHR International Conference, Uppsala, 26-29.06-2018.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and D. Al Haffar. 2018. The quest for refugees’ right to adequate housing. Displaced people’s housing challenges in Naba’a, Beirut. Paper presented at the ENHR International Conference, Uppsala, 26-29.06-2018.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2017. Opportunities and challenges for informal settlers to attain the right to adequate housing following natural disasters Paper presented at the ENHR International Conference, Tirana, 4-6 September 2017.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2017. The right to adequate housing of under-propertied persons in post-disaster settings. International Conference on “Ensuring the effective exercise of the right to housing in the EU: Access to adequate and affordable housing for all”, Tarragona, 27-28.04.2017
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2016. Rebuilding urban Nepal: A call for low-cost housing solutions for Kathmandu Valley's historical cities destroyed by the earthquake of April 2015. Key note presentation at the ETH-UN Habitat international conference on “No Cost housing”, Zurich, 30.05-1.06.2016.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2015. Is post-disaster reconstruction an opportunity for informal settlers to attain the right to adequate housing?. Invited Keynote presentation at the 7th International i-Rec Conference “Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts” , UCL, London, 6-8 July 2015
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2015 Cultural dimensions of post-disaster reconstruction: the case of Tamil Nadu, India. Invited key note presentation, 2nd International Symposium on the Recovery after Mega-Disasters: People, Community and Planning Tohoku University, Sendai, 16 March 2015.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Looking back at agency-driven housing reconstruction in India. Case studies from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, CDMHR/BSHF Reconstruction Conference Coventry, 15-16 January 2014.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2015. Cultural dimensions of post-disaster reconstruction: The links between housing, culture, lifestyles, and livelihoods. Invited public lecture held at the World Bank, Washington DC, on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Understanding the cultural context of post-disaster reconstruction projects.Lessons and experiences from Tamil Nadu, India. International Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Sustainable Reconstruction, University of Massachusetts, Boston, 8-9 May 2014.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2013. Continuity and change in housing and settlement patterns in post-earthquake Gujarat. Paper presented at the International Conference on “Building Resilience”, Ahungalla (Sri Lanka), September 2013 (Award for the best conference paper).
- Duyne Barenstein, J., A.N. Modan, K.Talha and R. Menaria. 2013. Patterns of Adaptation to Agency-Built Villages: A Relocated Community in Gujarat, India. Paper presented at the 6th international i-Rec Conference, Ascona, 26-30.05.2013.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2012. Post-disaster reconstruction and its impact on vernacular heritage. The case of housing reconstruction in Tamil Nadu (India) after the tsunami of December 2004. Conference proceedings of the ICOMOS-ICORP Symposium on Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk, Istambul, 16 November 2012.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and S. Iyengar. 2009. Towards owner-driven reconstruction in India. Invited keynote presentation at the international conference on “Development from Disaster: Owner-driven reconstruction for the 21st Century. London: South Bank University, 10-20 March 2009.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2008. Post-disaster housing reconstruction. Approaches, challenges and risks. Key note paper presented at the Regional Conference on Owner-driven Reconstruction, co-funded by SDC held in Bhuj, Gujarat, India, 16.07-18.07.2008.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2008. Owner-driven vs. contractor-driven housing reconstruction in India. Paper presented at the 4th International i-Rec conference on “Building resilience. Achieving effective post-disaster reconstruction” held in Christchurch, New Zeeland, 29.04-1.5.2008.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2005. Post-disaster housing: a case for owner driven-reconstruction. Invited public lecture held at the World Bank, Washington DC, 16 June, 2005.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2000. Is there an endogenous approach towards participation? Lessons from the Haor Basin in Rural Bangladesh. Paper presented to the Biannual Conference of the European Network of Bangladesh Studies Oslo, Norway.
Andere Publikationen
- Duyne Barenstien, J and D. Sanjines 2021. Can top-down art-based urban renewal projects contribute to demarginalize informal settlements? Voices and Perspectives from two neighbourhoods in Bogota. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and H. Widmer. 2019. Integration durch Partizipation. Die Rolle der Teilnahme an gemeinnützigen Projekten in Wohnbaugenossenschaften. Zürich: ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE (av. online)
- P. Daly, J. Duyne Barenstein, S. Ninglekhu, P.Hollenbach, and D. 2017. Post-disaster housing reconstruction in urban areas in Nepal: Aid governance and local rebuilding initiatives. IIED Working Paper, December 2017. (with Nguyen)
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Housing responses for displaced informal settlers in situations of urban disasters. Geneva: IDMC.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2014. Supporting the Urban Poor Through Right-based Approaches. An overview of Indonesian NGOs. Report prepared for Misereor, Aachen, Germany.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. , M. Racelis and M.L. Rebullida. 2010. Tenure security and social housing projects in the Philippines. A cross-sectoral evaluation prepared for Misereor and its partners organisations in the Philippines.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2008. People-driven Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Aceh. A Review Uplink’s Concepts, Strategies and Achievements. Report prepared for Misereor, Germany.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and D. PIttet. 2007. Post-disaster housing reconstruction. Current trends and sustainable alternatives for tsunami-affected communities in coastal Tamil Nadu. In: Lausanne: EPFL, Point Sud.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. and D. Pittet 2006. Towards sustainable post-disaster housing reconstruction. An empirical assessment of SIFFS’ housing reconstruction project in tsunami-hit Tarangambadi and Chinnankudi, Tamil Nadu. Lugano: ISAAC.
- Duyne Barenstein J. 2009. Bauen am Vertrauen. In: Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz SCNAT (eds). Gemeinsam zum Erfolg. Was Forschungspartnerschaften mit Entwicklungsländern bewirken.
- Duyne Barenstein J. 2005. Neue Trends beim Aufbau in Tamil Nadu. Tradition contra Beton bei der Hilfe nach dem Tsunami” In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 27.12.2005
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2002. Environmental and Social Thematic Review. Mission Report submitted to the World Bank, South Asia Social and Environmental Unit, Washington DC, with Vijay Joshi, EcoSmart, Mumbai, India.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2002. Netrakona Integrated Agriculture and Water Management Project, An Evaluation of the Project’s Approaches Towards Participation, Polder Rehabilitation and Management, Gender and Poverty Alleviation. Report prepared for IFAD-Evaluation Division (Rome).
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2002. Environmental and Social Thematic Review. Mission Report submitted to the World Bank, South Asia Social and Environmental Unit, Washington DC, with Vijay Joshi, EcoSmart, Mumbai, India.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2002. Netrakona Integrated Agriculture and Water Management Project, An Evaluation of the Project’s Approaches Towards Participation, Polder Rehabilitation and Management, Gender and Poverty Alleviation. Report prepared for IFAD-Evaluation Division (Rome).
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 2001. “Sviluppo Sostenibile non è Rinuncia”, In: Corriere del Ticino (23.08.2002)
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1999. Concepts and Research Methodology for the ”Institutional Support Systems Project” and the Gender, Property Rights and Policy changes Project. Report prepared for the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Irapuato, Mexico.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1998. School and Community Sanitation Project. An Empirical Assessment of its Institutional Viability. Report Prepared for the World Bank, South Asia Division, Washington DC
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1998. Landless Contracting Societies. Evaluation of the social, economic and institutional implications of involving poor women and men in rural infrastructure rehabilitation programmes. Technical Report No. 57, SRP/BWDB, Dhaka.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1997. The Process to Revise the Guidelines for People's Participation in Water Development Projects. In: "The Daily Star". Dhaka, 18 December.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1997. People's Initiatives in Water Management. In: "The Daily Star" Dhaka, 18 December.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1997. An Empirical Assessment of the Role of Water Users Organisations in Participatory Water Management. Technical Report No. 54, SRP/BWDB, Dhaka.
- Duyne Barenstein J. 1995. Towards Participatory Water Management. Some practical suggestions on how to enhance people's participation with special reference to flood control and drainage systems. Technical Report No. 49, SRP/BWDB, Dhaka.
- Duyne Barenstein, J. 1995. Creating Accountability in the Water Sector in Bangladesh. Current Trends and Alternative Approaches. In: Arcadis/Euroconsult (ed.) Creating Accountability in Irrigation and Drainage Projects. Arnhem: Arcadis/Euroconsult Publ.