Architectural Competitions as a Knowledge System

On-going, upcoming and completed design or design and build competitions implemented by public and private contracting authorities – at a glance
The applied research project at hand consists of building a web-accessible database to systematically gather and provide knowledge and information on design or design and build competitions in Switzerland. Its objective is to improve the quality and enhance the efficiency of design competitions and to provide data for applied as well as basic research related to the building industry.
The project is carried out in collaboration with the foundation external page Stiftung Forschung Planungswettbewerbe and twelve other project partners (see below). It has received funding from the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). The web-accessible database external page ( has been put into operation in 2013.
- Strittmatter Partner AG
- ERR Raumplaner AG
- Buchhofer AG
- Studi Associati SA
- Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz
- Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement Kanton Basel-Stadt
- Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich
- Raiffeisen Schweiz
- Kanton Aargau, Architektur und Entwicklung Immobilien
- Hochbauamt Stadt St.Gallen
- Service d'architecture de la ville de Lausanne
- Archives de la construction moderne, EPF Lausanne
- ETH Zürich, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur GTA
- Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI
- Innosuisse - Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung (vormals Kommission für Technologie und Innovation KTI)