All Projects sorted by most recent
- chevron_right RESH – Regional effects of housing shortage in urban areas (ESPON Project)
- chevron_right Baukultur. Research on alternative projects and instruments
- chevron_right ReHousIn: Contextualized pathways to Reduce Housing Inequalities in the green and digital transition (EU Horizon Project)
- chevron_right SNSF Sinergia «Family Custody Arrangements and Child Well-Being in Switzerland. The Role of Housing and Architecture» (FamyCH)
- chevron_right Housing Cooperatives Role in the Revitalization of Historical City Centers The case of Uruguay, El Salvador and Colombia
- chevron_right Negotiating Space For Cooperative Housing In Latin America
- chevron_right Proximity is the future
- chevron_right Inclusion in the neighbourhood (InNa)
- chevron_right Building Resilience in Health Infrastructure
- chevron_right 4D-Geodesigning urban transformation
- chevron_right Dense and Green Cities: Zurich Case
- chevron_right Revisiting Density
- chevron_right Oberstadt4D
- chevron_right Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space
- chevron_right Non-Profit Housing in the City of Zurich. Evaluation of housing policy instruments
- chevron_right Promoting peace and reconciliation through cooperative housing in post-conflict Colombia
- chevron_right Intergenerational co-housing in a long-term perspective - from intentions to implementations
- chevron_right Emerging Digital Neighbourhoods - Local Online Spaces and Their Potential for Social Inclusion
- chevron_right Daylight in Sustainable Urban Design
- chevron_right System and Series. Swiss System Buildings between Social Utopia, Pressure of use and Monument Conservation
- chevron_right Jugendjobbörse Winterthur - documentation and processevaluation
- chevron_right HERA PuSH - Public Space in European Social Housing
- chevron_right Tackling the Global Housing Challenges: Relevance and Replicability of Switzerland’s and Uruguay’s Housing Cooperatives’ Policies and Strategies
- chevron_right Integrative neighbourhood Glattpark - resident survey
- chevron_right Art-based urban upgrading initiatives in Bogota: Policy expectations vs. local impacts
- chevron_right Geographies of Age. Older people’s access to housing and to urban life
- chevron_right Redevelopment of “Heiligkreuz”: Site Analysis and Needs Assessment
- chevron_right Integration durch freiwillige Teilnahme an gemeinnützigen Projekten in Wohnbaugenossenschaften
- chevron_right Micro Living/Cluster Living
- chevron_right Housing: barrier free access - social - safe
- chevron_right Alternative Energien für Fitness- und Wellnessangebote als Beitrag zu einem nachhaltigen urbanen Lebensstil
- chevron_right How to grow: Planning for sustainable land use’ Investigating urban patterns and projecting theoretical pictures of dynamic planning opportunities
- chevron_right Aging in Place
- chevron_right Safeguarding and Improving Access to Housing for Socially Disadvantaged Groups
- chevron_right Planning is invisible
- chevron_right Academizing Architecture: Design as a Research Practice
- chevron_right Injecting new impetuses into sustainable housing
- chevron_right The Future of the Rotach Neighbourhood
- chevron_right Repair, Maintenance and Urban Assemblage
- chevron_right ANANAS
- chevron_right National Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Poverty
- chevron_right Cooperative housing in the second half of life
- chevron_right Aesthetic Practices after Bologna
- chevron_right Quality Through Design Competitions?
- chevron_right Module X Future Cities Laboratory Singapore
- chevron_right Re-thinking Zones
- chevron_right Building care
- chevron_right Multilocal Living Arrangements in Switzerland
- chevron_right On the Career of the Postwar Swiss Construction Boom
- chevron_right Ageing in Place
- chevron_right Architectural Competitions as a Knowledge System
- chevron_right Urban Events/Local interventions
- chevron_right Prototyp II - Repräsentationen von Möbeln in Design und Kunst
- chevron_right Design Competitions - Procedural Innovations
- chevron_right SitCit
- chevron_right Construction Site - Metamorphoses in the City
- chevron_right S5-City. Agglomeration im Zentrum
- chevron_right On the Career of Durability
- chevron_right Siedlung "Im Schachenfeld" in Widen - Befragung II
- chevron_right Avantage - Housing in Wettsteinpark, Basel
- chevron_right Multilocal living between mobility and settledness
- chevron_right QE Wohnen
- chevron_right Strategies for the sustainable development of single-family housing
- chevron_right New Approaches to Housing for the 50+ Generations
- chevron_right KraftWerk1 and Regina-Kägi-Hof, Study II
- chevron_right Siedlung "Im Schachenfeld" in Widen - Befragung I
- chevron_right Siedlung "Im Schachenfeld" in Widen - Leitbild
- chevron_right Nachhaltige Entwicklung - illustriert am Beispiel Bauen und Wohnen mit Holz
- chevron_right Immer mehr Licht?
- chevron_right KraftWerk1 and Regina-Kägi-Hof, Study I
- chevron_right AGS Future Cities - Guangzhou
- chevron_right Bauen und Wohnen mit Holz – ein Beitrag zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung
- chevron_right Housing Bülachstrasse in Zurich
- chevron_right Davidsboden in Basel II
- chevron_right AGS Future Cities: Towards Sustainable Cities
- chevron_right Sustainable Development
- chevron_right Housing Situation of Women in the Swiss German Part
- chevron_right Davidsboden in Basel I