Jugendjobbörse Winterthur - documentation and processevaluation

Jugendinfo Winterthur is a service of the "Association for Street Social Work Winterthur VSSW" and the competence centre for digital youth work in Winterthur. In 2015 they launched the "Jugendjobbörse Winterthur". Via an app, young people who want to earn their own pocket money are referred to job providers who are looking for minor assistance.
The app (open source) was developed by the company Tatenträger on behalf of Jugendinfo Winterthur and with the participation of young people. The City of Winterthur, the Age Foundation and the Hülfsgesellschaft Winterthur support the youth job exchange financially. The development was also supported by the Federal Social Insurance Office, the foundation Generationen-Dialog, Migros Kulturprozent Ostschweiz and the Impact Hub Zurich.
In the meantime, the project is in the stabilisation and multiplication phase. Various other municipalities and youth work organisations have already introduced the app and the job exchange.
An important concern of the project is the dialogue between the generations. A large proportion of the job placements are for senior citizens who need support with errands, small jobs in the house or garden or in dealing with digital media and technical equipment (computers, smartphones, etc.). The platform aims to be close to the digital life worlds of young people and wants to combine their need for pocket money jobs with the need of older people for selective help in everyday life.
On behalf of the VSSW, the ETH CASE is working on a documentation of the "Jugendjobbörse Winterthur" and is evaluating the processes involved. The documentation is part of the project funding by the external page Age Foundation.