New Approaches to Housing for the 50+ Generations

Book published 2008, see publications.
Book published 2008, see publications.

Innovations on Housing in the Second Half of Life

The goal of this project is to gain a more in-depth understanding of the range of innovative housing options for the 50+ generations. In order to develop a comprehensive and detailed picture about trends and new innovative approaches, a two-phase mostly qualitatively focused evaluation design is utilized. In phase 1, the building characteristics, the service and care options, as well as the social climate of 13 different innovative housing projects will be explored by means of a post occupancy evaluation (9 in Switzerland, 4 in Germany). The assessment of the design qualities of each case selected encompasses criteria that are not limited to a listing of whether or not certain qualities are in place (for example the availability of a communal room), but it also describes their quality and availability to the residents. In phase 2, six of the 13 cases are selected for in-depth evaluation, including a survey and group interviews with residents focused on the spatial and social qualities of the setting.