Integrative neighbourhood Glattpark - resident survey

ABZ-neighbourhood Glattpark in Oerlikon. Photo: Daniela Sanjines,  ETH CASE
ABZ-neighbourhood Glattpark in Oerlikon. Photo: Daniela Sanjines, ETH CASE

In connection with the Innosuisse project "Ageing in Place", the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zurich, together with the ETH CASE, has initiated the pilot project "Integrative neighbourhood in Glattpark". As part of the pilot project, various measures were developed to promote an "integrating neighbourhood" in the new Glattpark housing estate in Zurich - with a special focus on older residents (65+). The measures are being implemented in stages. The views of the older residents were surveyed by ETH CASE a few months after they moved into Glattpark. 

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