Apply now! New Position as Research Fellow
ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE is looking for a Research Fellow (80%) for the research project ReHousIn and new research projects as of January 2025.

ETH Wohnforum - ETH CASE is hiring a Research Fellow (80%) as of January.
The ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE is a research unit at the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich, scientifically located at the interface of architecture and the social sciences. Our interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects focus on advancing sustainable and inclusive housing, neighbourhoods, and communities.
The successful candidate will contribute to developing new research projects focused on the connection between housing, architecture and societal questions. He/she/they will also participate it the ongoing Horizon 2020 research project ReHousIn. In addition, the selected candidate will provide inputs to lecture series and the design studios led by ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE Board members Prof. Elli Mosayebi and Prof. Maria Conen at the ETH Department of Architecture.
We offer a renewable 1-year contract.