ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2020

The conference "METAMORPHOSEN!" will be held on Friday, April 29, 2022 in an updated edition. Registration open until April 18, 2022.
For more information, please click here.

With the transformation of the existing stock to sustainably designed settlement areas.

The expectations of a sustainable city are high. Like the other UN member states, Switzerland has also committed itself to the Global Agenda 2030. At its heart are 17 goals for sustainable development, including the mandate for cities and municipalities to make their settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
All the more reason to focus on the existing building stock. In Switzerland, 63 percent of housing was built before 1980. There are also significant shares of (industrial) sites and former infrastructure areas. Whether in urban, peripheral or rural locations, the transformation of the existing stock into a future-oriented use is an urgent task. At the same time, it is also a challenge for the city, urban development, architecture and investors with their highly diverse objectives.
At this year's 16th edition of the international annual conference ETH Forum Housing, we will be talking about the requirements, objectives and conflicting goals in the transformation process, based on current projects and research. How do we achieve forward-looking, sustainable and caring concepts for our existing housing?
We address decision makers as well as specialists and managers from institutional, private and non-profit real estate investors, architecture and planning offices, general contractors, authorities, associations, social services, finance, science and politics.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ETH Housing Forum - ETH CASE

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