ETH Forum Wohnungsbau 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025, 9.30 am – 5 pm | ETH Zürich, Zentrum (main building), Auditorium Maximum HG F 30 (In German only)

ARCHITECTURES OF THE FAMILY – Dynamics of Living Together and Demands on the Housing Market
Family structures are undergoing more significant changes than any other social form. While the built environment is gradually adapting, housing for the traditional "nuclear family" still dominates the market. The ETH Forum Wohnungsbau, "ARCHITECTURES OF THE FAMILY", explores the dynamics of diverse family structures, evolving housing needs, and the architectural innovations shaping the housing market of the future. At the conference, experts from academia, architecture, and the private and non-profit real estate sectors will discuss innovative solutions to the challenges posed by social change.
No other social structure is experiencing such profound transformation as the family – whether in its forms, daily life, or societal understanding. However, the built environment has been slow to respond to these shifts. The market predominantly offers housing designed for the nuclear family, rooted in its prominence during the "Golden Age of Marriage" in the 1950s. In contrast, Swiss housing cooperatives have recently emerged as leaders in architectural innovation, pushing boundaries in response to evolving needs.
The 19th international symposium "ARCHITECTURES OF THE FAMILY – Dynamics of Living Together and Demands on the Housing Market” seeks to address the following key questions: What solutions do innovative projects, particularly those driven by housing cooperatives, offer in response to well-documented social changes? What practices have proven successful, and where is there a need for further development? How do new forms of housing and inclusive architecture impact municipalities and urban communities? What housing policy instruments are necessary to support this transformation?
The symposium will feature expert presentations, practical insights, and synthesis discussions, with open Q&A sessions and opportunities for dialogue.
ETH Forum Wohnungsbau "ARCHITECTURES OF THE FAMILY – Dynamics of Living Together and Demands on the Housing Market" | Friday, May 9, 2025, ETH Zürich, Zentrum (main building), Auditorium Maximum
Entrance fee
CHF 680 full price, CHF 480 reduced, CHF 280 ETH members, CHF 30 students (limited number). Including event materials, coffee breaks, lunch, and an aperitif reception in the Dozentenfoyer (ETH main building)
Welcome Address

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann
ETH Executive Board

Dr. Jennifer Duyne Barenstein
Executive Director ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE

Dr. Tino Schlinzig
"Family Custody Arrangements and Child Well-Being in Switzerland: The Role of Housing and Architecture" (SNF Sinergia FamyCH)
"Sustainable Family Housing – What Architectures, What Policies?"

Res Keller
Project Developer and Initiator of Cooperative Housing Projects

Marcel Hug
CEO Swiss Association of the Real Estate Industry SVIT

Martin Tschirren
Director Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen BWO (Federal Office for Housing)

Sabine Brunner
Marie Meierhofer Children's Institute, Zurich
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ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE