Die Rütihof-App: ein Quartier vernetzt sich digital

Schlussbericht zum Pilotprojekt «Inklusion in der Nachbarschaft: Potenziale und Grenzen einer Quartier-App»

A good neighborhood and social relationships in the district can contribute greatly to the quality of life. The opportunity to participate in community life becomes even more important when the radius of action is limited. In the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has also been a growing trend towards shifting social relationships to the digital sphere.

The research and development project “Inklusion in der Nachbarschaft” (InNa) is based on the idea that “hybrid neighborhoods”, which enable both physical and digital contact, can provide support for everyday challenges and help to build or expand social relationships. As part of a pilot project in a Zurich district, a digital neighborhood platform was therefore launched and the question of the extent to which “hybrid neighborhoods” can help to activate neighborly relationships was investigated.


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