Congratulations Hannah Widmer

This July, our colleague Hannah Widmer defended her dissertation on the use of public spaces and was awarded an “hervorragend” rating. We are delighted with her success and congratulate her warmly! As part of her SNSF-funded dissertation, Hannah Widmer examined the diversity of users of three public squares in Zurich - Lindenplatz, Idaplatz and Hallwylplatz.
Completion of the “Intergenerational co-housing” project

The four-year applied research project “Intergenerational co-housing in a long-term perspective - from intentions to implementations” has been successfully completed.
Article - "Die 16-Millionen Schweiz ist möglich"

What are 10-Minuten Nachbarschaften and where can they be implemented? In an interview with Maren Meyer from the SonntagsZeitung, Sibylle Wälty provides insights and makes the case for more living space.